Sunday, November 21, 2010

Women in red...

A group of scientists at the University of Rochester (New York, USA) has found that women dressed in red are more attractive in the eyes of men, one dressed in green or blue. The study was published in European Journal of Social Psychology. "In the animal kingdom - Researchers explain - often the red signal when the female is at its most fertile, attracting more males of the species." The researchers conducted two experiments. In the first, a group of men stood talking with women dressed in red and green and experiment showed that they tended to ask questions more personal and intimate to the "Lady in Red". From the second test showed that the interaction with women dressed in red or blue, the boys tended to get closer to the representatives of the fairer sex dressed in red. The Council for the fairer sex for the next appointment? "Clad in red have more chance of success," says Kayser Nieste who led the study.


  1. Quite true. Though little black numbers have their place too.

  2. Although assaild with fortune fierce and keen, Following!

  3. I remember this from somewhere. Also during a certain stage of a woman's pregnancy, their lip's get much more red to keep the man attracted to them and keep them from leaving them.

    Thought I'd throw that out there.

  4. I'd demolish her in or out of the dress.

  5. I think black is the best color for women, but that's just my opinion

  6. I immediately started singing Lady In Red

  7. I feel like I've heard this before, but I haven't actually noticed this happening.

  8. Well yeah, red does seem better then green or blue...

  9. any lady in red is fukin sexy, especially red lingerie.
