Giant George...
Giant George, is the world's tallest dog. A Great Dane who lives in Tucson, Arizona with his owner David Nasser, he entered the Guinness Book of Records measuring 220 cm from ear to tail. George is 109 cm tall from shoulder to paw ripped the record to rival Titan, of Grass Valley in California, just a couple of inches officially certified by the Guinness judges
The Moon
on a cat
As a native Swede,I am particularly proud of my love poetry suite Sonnets for Katie.
My Poems
My art
- Peter Ingestad, Sweden
Jelly? No, not in this case. I don't like dogs.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how does that dog taste like.
ReplyDeleteI had no idea dogs could even grow that big.
ReplyDeleteI would totally freak out seeing that thing in the streets. I wonder if it has any of the problems human giants have.
ReplyDeleteThis is clearly photoshopped.
ReplyDeleteI can tell from having seen many shops in my day.
very nice
ReplyDeletei like it
supportin !
ReplyDeletelooks shooped
ReplyDeleteGreatest Dane.